Online Platform for Telemedicine

The online platform aims to manage general or specific medical practices within a community or entity and the provision of telemedicine services..

Telemedicine is a solution adopted by an increasing number of medical practices or healthcare companies.
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Who the telemedicine platform is for

The telemedicine platform can be used by:

  • Medical cabinet;
  • Local public administrations that can provide practices with an online interaction environment between medical activities and patients.

The solution includes the following:

The main functionalities of the platform

Each medical practice will have a profile created with various details

  • Date of contact
  • Skills
  • Specialty
  • Work schedule
  • Paraphernalia, certifications related to authorizations, photo, other details
Access to the practice can be done by accessing a domain (example: telemedicine/ABC practice) and creating a profile to be taken into the practice.

The patient will make a registration with a profile, filling in a minimum amount of information in order to be identified and registered. Within the profile there will be sections where the doctor and the patient can attach documents, categorizing them and other necessary information.

The patient can request a consultation and an appointment will be made with the doctor. To make the appointment and confirm it there will be the possibility to communicate via email, phone.

The app will include specific GDPR elements, as this is a sensitive area for healthcare and beyond.

On the scheduled date, the patient will be advised to enter a specific area, to log in and in that environment the consultation mode will be established (which can be by chat, telephone, audioconference, videoconference, depending on the type of intervention).

The patient card will allow you to place information related to the discussion with the doctor. It will be able to be structured quickly and easily by the doctor adding a new section that has a label/sequential space where new information can be added – with minimal information: date, information. These can be collateral, informative sections that can be helpful information for the doctor – blood pressure, weight, illnesses suffered, family doctor, hereditary diseases, diet, blood group, allergic reactions, vaccine, etc.

The central area of the patient’s record will contain a history of all interventions and discussions with the patient (they will be sorted by date, the most recent ones on top). Additionally, there will be the possibility to enter comments – prescriptions, recommendations, etc. Through this central section the doctor will have an overview of the interaction with the patient. For some patients this area will contain more interventions, for others less or punctual.

There will be a calendar section within the patient’s file where the date of the next consultation will be added if necessary. In a centralized area, the doctor will be able to see appointments and make new ones.

Consultations can be carried out via chat and will be integrated into the platform, audio/video interventions via a method that the doctor chooses – phone, audio/video. This audio/video tool will be integrated into the platform. The doctor will mark in the Patient Record the date/time slot when that consultation took place and by which method it was performed. There will be a dependency on Internet access, telephone subscription, which are not included in the cost of the project.

After the consultation an email will be sent to the patient that the consultation took place on the date/time. If something is recommended, this information will also be sent.

Depending on the information in the system, the doctor will have access to some reports to get an overview of patients and appointments.

An unauthenticated person will be able to access some details about the doctor, specialty, location and useful contact information.

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    40 31-805.42.55

    Str Popa Savu Nr. 44

    Sector 1, București, România