aplicatie rezervare loc eveniment

Software for individual or group restaurant reservations

The ePlaceEvent app, a dedicated solution for hotels, restaurants, event centres, to offer its customers a modern approach to reserving table seating for various events.

A extremely useful management tool when dealing with events attended by hundreds of people in one room, multiple rooms or partitions, the legal terms for access spaces, the time involved in the organisation, to allocate people in an efficient way based on certain preferences.
Provides an experience of comfort and control for both management and staff responsible for organising events and for clients. You can track specific events or current booking activities: rooms organised for Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, Whitsun, other holidays and one-off events, organised groups, parties of company parties, weddings, current hotel accommodation etc.
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You are in control of the mood and the event

You have at your fingertips a tool to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace that can easily be turned into marketing opportunities, giving customers and partners an experience that touches them personally.

Images from the app

Give customers an experience they will remember with pleasure!

You're closer to your customers' seating preferences at tables.

The application provides the possibility to configure rooms, obtain reports, sending notifications.

The development of the application has taken into account the particularities expressed by managers who manage such locations, the problems they face in the organization, the exceptional situations to be dealt with.

A successful implementation is carried out within the hotel and event chain ALPIN Poiana Brasov.

„We implemented an idea that was born out of a desire to offer clients and event organisers a way to save time. For venue owners and organisers it is an exceptional managerial tool to better organise activities and have better control over events. It has brought significant savings and helped to link internal actions much better, from the booking process to customer satisfaction. For the customer, it provides a quick and easy mechanism to book their event from any location, based on seating preferences, saving valuable time.“ Alin NIȚĂ, Fiveplus Solutions

The most important saving comes from “controlling the situation”

As an indicative calculation, by allocating time for organisation, attention to each client/client group in the booking process, at a volume of 500 clients per event, multiple event rooms, results in many hours allocated.

They can increase much more through times that cannot be directly quantified, taking into account the inconvenience created, clarifications, unmet demands, less control of the situation.

It can save hundreds, even thousands of euros per event and better, clearer managerial control. The collateral benefits through implementation and uptake of the application will be much more significant over time.

The return on investment can be faster for event organisers with hundreds of clients, multiple rooms / partitions, organising regular events.

  • managing organised events and obtaining specific reports
  • defining and configuring rooms from scratch or using predefined layouts for a faithful reproduction of the space
  • graphical user interface for room configuration
  • global booking management for organised group needs
  • integration by import or other methods with reservations and information managed in internal systems
  • definition of internal operators in the system and allocation of different rights on events
  • role association procedures in the application for differentiated access (adding new tables, moving reservations, deletions, allocation to tables, etc.)
  • email / SMS notifications to clients with reservations made
  • logging actions in the system
  • there is a plan to expand the app with new features useful for event organisers
  • Client-server technology, web application
  • The database and the application are deployed on the beneficiary’s infrastructure or at a host, by renting the necessary space
  • No additional licenses required, the application is designed to be installed and configured to run on open-source systems: Linux operating system, Tomcat application server, MySQL database server (for a reasonable volume of data and events)
  • Hardware technical requirements: Xeon/ I7 processor, 8GB RAM, free HDD space
  • Equipment/Gateway for sending SMS will be considered, if there is a solution in place or chosen by mutual agreement
  • minimal application customization (logo, booking import, users, event handling, rooms)
  • installation of software platforms on the beneficiary’s equipment
  • application implementation, commissioning, documentation, reports
  • training for operating the application
  • technical support during the warranty period for handling incidents due to programming errors
  • optimal operation is based on the performance of hardware equipment (server, network elements), internet access to support concurrent user access, availability of operators to assimilate application functionality.
  • minimal post-implementation technical support, up to a maximum of 20 man-hours, which can also be used for small specific changes in the application or to resolve incidents due to application operation
  • additional costs, if any: additional activities required for new functionalities in the application, additional training, extended technical support depending on the particularities of the infrastructure, other implementations related to the IT environment (protection, back-up), involvement of other software platforms to support specific events, technology updates, credits for sending SMS, SMS Gateway, issues assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • indicative implementation time: 30 days
  • gestionarea evenimentelor organizate și obținerea de rapoarte specifice
  • definirea și configurarea sălilor de la zero sau folosind machete predefinite pentru o reproducere fidelă a spațiului
  • interfață grafică pentru configurația sălilor
  • managementul rezervărilor globale pentru necesități ale grupurilor organizate
  • integrarea prin import sau alte metode cu rezervările și informațiile gestionate în sistemele interne
  • definire operatori interni în sistem și alocarea de drepturi diferite pe evenimente
  • proceduri de asociere roluri în aplicație pentru acces diferențiat (adăugarea de mese noi, mutare rezervări, ștergeri, alocare la mese etc.)
  • notificări prin email / SMS a clienților cu rezervările efectuate
  • jurnalizarea acțiunilor din sistem
  • există un plan de extindere a aplicației cu noi funcții utile organizatorilor de evenimente
  • Tehnologie client‐server, aplicație web
  • Baza de date și aplicația se implementează pe infrastructura beneficiarului sau la un hostator, prin închirierea spațiului necesar
  • Nu necesită licențe suplimentare, aplicația fiind proiectată pentru a fi instalată și configurată să funcționeze pe sisteme open‐source: sistem de operare Linux, server de aplicație Tomcat, server de baza de date MySQL (pentru un volum de date și evenimente rezonabil)
  • Cerințe tehnice echipament: procesor Xeon/ I7, RAM 8GB, spațiu liber pe HDD
  • Echipamentul/Gateway-ul pentru trimitere SMS-uri se va analiza, în cazul în care există o soluție implementată sau alege de comun acord
  • personalizare minimală aplicație (logo, import rezervări, useri, mod tratare evenimente, săli)
  • instalări platforme software pe echipamentul beneficiarului
  • implementare aplicație, punere în funcțiune, documentație, rapoarte
  • instruire pentru operarea cu aplicația
  • suport tehnic în perioada de garanție pentru tratarea incidentelor datorate erorilor de programare
  • funcționarea în condiții optime se bazează pe performanța echipamentelor hardware (server, elementele de rețea), acces la internet pentru susținerea accesului concurent al userilor, disponibilitatea operatorilor pentru asimilarea funcționalităților aplicației.
  • suport tehnic minimal post implementare, în limita a 20 ore‐om, care pot fi folosite și pentru mici modificări specifice în aplicație sau rezolvarea unor incidente datorate exploatării aplicației
  • costuri suplimentare, daca este cazul: activități suplimentare solicitate pentru noi funcționalități în aplicație, instruire suplimentară, suport tehnic extins în funcție de particularitățile din infrastructura, alte implementări legate de mediul informatic (protecție, back‐up), implicarea unor alte platforme software pentru susținerea unor evenimente specifice, update‐uri de tehnologie, creditele pentru trimiterea de SMS‐uri, SMS Gateway, aspecte evaluate de la caz la caz.
  • timp de implementare orientativ: 30 zile

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