Distance learning, e-learning. Video courses

Distance learning, e-learning: Online courses have become increasingly popular, and are a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide.

The e-learning platform can be used:

  • As an online solution for companies doing classroom training;
  • As an alternative to selling and taking courses, with certification from certification bodies (e.g. Ministry of Labour);
  • By pupils/students on a large scale.
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Benefits of distance learning - eLearning

Implementing an eLearning system:

The distance learning system allows various reports on training activities, which are very useful for instructors. At the same time, it is also an important component in the certification programmes of trainees, in direct correspondence with the professional level required by both companies and government regulations specific to the fields in which they operate.

The e-learning solution (Learning Management System) covers:

  • a complete and varied content (text, pictures, PPT, video)
  • testing knowledge with quizzes
  • inclusion of fully synchronous (meeting-type sessions) and asynchronous (self-paced learning) learning
  • issue of course completion certificates
  • management of learners in a course catalogue
  • specific functionalities of a classical education (calendar of courses)

Characteristics of the distance learning system

The platform brings together a very wide range of integrated collaborative capabilities such as email, calendar, scheduling, attendance identifier, real-time communication, learning activities, virtual workspaces, web conferencing, document and content management.

The distance learning platform includes a powerful, flexible, easy-to-use, standards-based distance learning management system. It provides administrative capabilities, enabling customers to organise their learning activities, resources, logistics and courses more efficiently.


It allows the organisation and management of distance learning courses in an efficient and low-cost way, compared to the traditional education system, with the physical presence of students and teacher in the classroom.

Learners have online and personalised access to relevant information about enrolment possibilities, course syllabus, content, course status, preliminary tests. They also have access to powerful tools such as discussion forums, collaborative working documents, web conferences, real-time chat rooms.

Main specific functionalities of the e-learning platform

The calendar displays site, course, group, user and category events, in addition to assignment and test deadlines, chat times and other course events.

The e-learning platform gives teachers an easy way to present material to their students. These materials can take the form of files such as word-processed documents or slide shows. Materials can be displayed on the page, either as individual items or grouped within folders.

An administrator can add new file types and view, edit and delete existing file types. For example, if teachers and students on the site use a lot of files specific to a particular program, these files can be recognised by the e-learning platform and, when downloaded, will open in the correct program rather than being displayed as a generic zip file.

Courses are spaces on the e-learning platform where teachers add learning materials and activities for their students. Courses can be created by administrators, course creators or managers. Teachers can then add content and reorganise them according to their own needs.

By default, a regular teacher cannot add a new course. To add a new course to the e-learning platform, you must have administrator, course creator or manager rights.

Teachers cannot delete courses. Managers can delete courses, and course creators can delete courses they have created themselves, within a pre-defined period of time after course creation. This is so that courses created by mistake can be deleted without having to ask an administrator.

The course request function can be activated by an administrator. An administrator can set the default category for course requests, whether users can select a category when requesting a course and who can receive notifications about course requests. If course requests are enabled, by default all logged in users can make course requests.

Course categories organise courses for all participants on the site. A course creator, administrator or manager can enter all courses in the selected category. Teachers and students will find it easier to find their courses if they are organised in descriptive categories.

This setting affects the display of logs and weekly subject dates. The course end date is used to determine whether a course should be included in a user’s course list. When the end date has passed, the course is no longer listed in the lock/navigation drawer and is listed as passed in the course overview on student dashboards.

If a specific language is desired in a course, the e-learning platform interface in that course will be in the selected language, even if a student has chosen another preferred language in their personal profile. Administrators can remove this capability if they do not want teachers/course managers to do so.

The platform allows the awarding of marks, which may or may not be seen by the learner. If the course does not use graded activities, it makes sense to disable this. If grades are used learners can see their grade from the activity itself.

It is an additional functionality, an add-on whereby certificates are automatically generated and emailed only when the student has met all the criteria set to be considered as passed.

Users can be added to the site in several ways. When user accounts are created on a site, the process is called authentication and when users join a course, the process is called enrolment. Normally only the administrator is allowed to add users to a site. Course instructors can add students to their course and are not allowed to add users to the site.

We can add specific functionalities for a much higher degree of interactivity, impacting on lessons and assessments: virtual tours, interactive videos, interactive books

Depending on the project and its complexity, we can implement solutions based on LMS platforms Moodle, WordPress on a specific LMS theme.

Video course catalogue

The platform developed by FivePlus can also be used to sell video courses

The technical solution for a business selling videos (courses) online can be composed of several components:

  • presentation component – course catalogue (to be displayed on a presentation website platform);
  • the course sales component, which will include an online payment mechanism (via a shopping site-type platform);
  • granting access rights and subscription management, recurring payments (through membership and subscription modules);
  • video delivery, storage and protection (via streaming platforms).
The advantages of using such a platform are:

  • Posting to the platform is simple;
  • you can talk to several course providers;
  • Video courses are on an upward trend and such a platform can bring added brand visibility.
  • companies that already have video material and market it through their own websites or other third-party platforms;
  • content providers who want to translate information into video and monetise it;
  • trainers who have not entered the online market;
  • increase awareness;
  • introducing free courses to educate the public.

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