Digital Signage

How can you get your messages across when the average customer attention span has dropped to just 3 - 8 seconds? How can you increase the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns when potential customers are bombarded with thousands of ads every day?

The answer is electronic display or digital signagea powerful communication tool, adapted to the current needs of companies.

Digital notice board gives your customers unique, personalized experiences with great results for your business. Today, digital signage has become an essential component of successful marketing and communication campaigns.


What is a digital noticeboard?

An electronic noticeboard, or digital display, is similar to a advertising or information billboard that you find displayed in a shop or public space. The difference is that it is 100% digital and so allows you to display more information or advertisements at the same time. In addition, it gives you the possibility to display both static frames and videos. This turns your display system into a highly effective communication channel in tune with new trends and customer expectations.

Being a digital product, the costs over time are much lower. You won’t have to pay for printing advertising materials and you won’t have to spend time changing each individual billboard.

An electronic billboard (digital signage) has 2 main components that form a whole: the MiniPC or web browser running the specific software and the network of screens, which can be LED TVs. The browser connects to a central server from which it retrieves information. The connection can be made by cable or wireless network. Many such devices can be deployed to access the central server, in different locations connected to the Internet.

An advantage of managing information from a central server is that of disseminating information to all devices at once, but also the possibility of having diverse information across groups of devices.

What is displayed on devices can be accessed through a web browser on computers.

The Digital Billboard is best used in public places with wide coverage, such as:

  • Restaurant
  • Food menu
  • House and garden items
  • Hotel reception
  • Café
  • Sports halls
  • Museums
  • Banks
  • Petrol stations
  • Waiting rooms
  • Casino
  • Travel offices
  • Rental spaces
  • Pharmacies
  • Dental surgeries
  • Medical offices
  • Clothing stores
  • Shopping centres
  • Supermarkets
  • Laundry/Clothes Dry Cleaning
  • Nightclubs
  • Sports events
  • Toy shops
  • Libraries
  • Cinemas/theatres
  • Airport
  • Car rental centres
  • Recreation area
  • Education centres
  • Public administration
  • Car services
  • Veterinary practices
  • Hospital
  • Schools
  • Law firms
  • Residential centres
  • Block administrations

Digital signage can also be used to improve internal communication with employees.

Different applications can be thought of, in which the noticeboard can play a role of information, displaying useful information.

Benefits of using an electronic display

Depending on the purpose of use, a digital display system can have multiple benefits.

  • Provides 2 times the information retention rate of traditional displays
  • Improves internal communication and increases employee productivity
  • It captures customers’ attention more easily
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Average value of customer purchases increases

More and more companies are going digital

Digital signage solutions have grown in popularity in recent years. In fact, more than 50% of companies expect to increase their digital signage spending over the next two years in various forms.

But why has the electronic display become so popular? Here are some statistics:

  • Digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays.
  • 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.
  • The human brain can identify images seen for only 13 milliseconds.
  • Visual information gets 94% more views than text-based information.
  • Digital display has an incredible 83% retention rate, double that of traditional advertising.
  • After three days, people retain 65% of the information presented visually.
  • The average attention span is 2.8-8 seconds.

Images from the app

Avizier Digital – a FivePlus solution

The Avizier Digital app was developed by FivePlus to help companies and public institutions improve the way they communicate. Avizier Digital helps you easily manage and display the right visual messages at the right time.

With digital signage, your information reaches your audience quickly and efficiently, no matter what industry you’re in: restaurants and cafes, retail and hospitality, entertainment and sports, hotel and public services, travel and more.

Our software platform is easy to use and manage, allowing you to easily transmit information to your TV terminals. You can choose to stream the same content to all screens or you can configure the Avizier Digital application so that each TV streams different information.

How can you use the Avizier Digital app?

  • Public information
  • Internal information
  • Product information
  • Conveying information that can improve the customer experience
  • Advertising and promotion of products or services
  • Brand building
  • Influencing customer behaviour
  • Influencing the customer’s decision-making process regarding a product or brand
Avizier Digital
Logo Avizier Digital

What benefits can the Avizier Digital solution offer you?

  • Dynamic advertising at a lower cost than traditional advertising
  • Attractive and useful content
  • Offers customers a unique, enjoyable experience
  • Increases customer satisfaction, even when customers have to wait
  • Easy to adapt to any audience or context
  • App and content can be managed/created remotely

Oferă clienților o experiență de care își vor aminti cu plăcere!

Ești mai aproape de preferințele de așezare a clienților la mese.

Clientul sau grupul organizat primește un cod de rezervare prin care se autentifică și rezervă locurile în sală după dorința de grupare cu cei apropiați, așezarea lângă ringul de dans, scenă, spații de acces etc.

Aplicația pune la dispoziție posibilitatea configurării sălilor, obținerea de rapoarte, trimiterea de notificări.

Dezvoltarea aplicației a ținut cont de particularitățile exprimate de managerii care gestionează astfel de locații, problemele cu care se confruntă în organizare, situațiile de excepție care trebuie tratate.

O implementare de succes este realizată în cadrul lanțului hotelier și de organizare evenimente, ALPIN Poiana Brașov.

How it works

Avizier Digital is an easy to implement and use application for any company or public institution. Creating and distributing content is done in a few simple steps:

Flux De Lucru Avizier Digital
„Am pus în practică o idee care s-a născut din dorința de a oferi clienților și organizatorilor de evenimente o cale de a economisi timp. Pentru proprietarii de locații si organizatori este un instrument managerial excepțional în a organiza mai bine activitățile și a avea un control mai bun pe evenimentele organizate. A adus economii importante și a contribuit la corelarea acțiunilor interne mult mai bine, de la procesul de rezervare la satisfacția clienților. Pentru client, are la dispoziție un mecanism rapid și simplu de a face rezervare la evenimentul său, din orice locație, după preferințele de așezare la mese, câștigând timp prețios.“ Alin NIȚĂ, Fiveplus Solutions

What the Avizier Digital solution developed by FivePlus is made of:

  • Licence for the Avizier Digital software application (depending on the number of TV devices used)
  • Configuration services, training
  • Intuitive user interface (WYSIWYG)
  • Content management mechanism (text, images, videos)
  • TV equipment for content display
  • MiniPC or browser connected to the Internet and TV

You can host it on your own (local) server, for example, to restrict access to your intranet, or in the cloud. If you choose to host it online, you can administer the application directly from a web browser. So you can create and distribute new content or templates from wherever you are.

The components involved are:

  • Avizier Digital – web application
  • Application Server – Deployed on server hardware
  • LCD TV equipment, min 125 cm, wall mount bracket (the mounting of the bracket will be provided by the beneficiary), miniPC or browser connected to the TV, the components will be integrated in the beneficiary’s infrastructure.
  • Implementation services, training, post-implementation technical support

Specific activities:

  • Install and configure the application on the server
  • Test the integrated solution, train for content management
Implementation options:

  • The software components can be installed either on a hardware machine/server installed at the beneficiary’s premises (protected with UPS, air conditioning, back-up) or hosted at a host.
    System requirements: Linux/Windows OS, min RAM 8 GB, HDD (raid) 100 GB (depending on the volume of information), internet access (internal infrastructure to be analysed to optimise data traffic), we recommend to have a subdomain of the beneficiary on which the application runs and which will be accessible from any location, data publishing can be done using FTP (e.g. filezilla). There is no need to travel for implementation, with the support of the IT team remote implementation can be done.
  • The project includes a solution based on hosting with a host for 12 months.
    After this period, the beneficiary can choose to extend the hosting subscription in a data centre.
  • Additional post-implementation technical support for editing and publishing (text/image/video capture and publishing based on an agreed plan) can be provided.
    The implementation of the solution can be achieved within approx. 15 days.


Avizier Digital is an app that can help you communicate more effectively with potential customers, distribute information and advertisements that increase sales while lowering your advertising costs.

With the Avizier Digital application you will replace the traditional, static display with a dynamic and modern one, in line with new trends and customer expectations.

The app allows you to quickly and easily distribute adverts or other information across multiple TV screens in different locations. You can control everything remotely.

The e-notice is part of the SmartCity and ensures the transformation of traditional infrastructure into a digital and modern one. It’s the new standard in company marketing campaigns. More and more companies are adopting this solution and this trend will become more pronounced in the coming years.

The time to switch from traditional display to digital noticeboard is now! Don’t let your competitors take advantage of this technological advantage!

Order now the Avizier Digital app and enjoy all the benefits of this innovative solution!

Do you want to work together?

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    40 31-805.42.55

    Str Popa Savu Nr. 44

    Sector 1, București, România