Dedicated IMM solutions
One of the main objectives set by FivePlus is to develop IT solutions that meet the needs of organisations to streamline their operations. It’s your organisation!
Digitisation solution
Information and document management solutions support work processes and provide organisations with a consolidated and hierarchical information status, internal process monitoring and a centralised storage base to manage critical information assets.
Every day we are confronted with activities that include communicating internally and with partners, collaborating on different projects and work tasks, coordinating activities to make quick and information-based decisions.
With FivePlus’ digitisation solutions, such as DocPlus, you have access to innovative options that integrate business processes, people and technology to create real business value.
The benefits of these solutions include minimising the time it takes to find scattered information, providing an integrated view of company data and rapid communication with staff. Basically, a performance-based working environment is created.
Basic functionalities of the SME solution
Based on experience and market requirements, FivePlus is committed to the design and development of solutions covering a range of essential functionalities:
- distribution and control of transmitted loads;
- organising and planning personal and work group activities;
- creating an IT environment for organising information from internal activities;
- management of documents specific to the organisation of work – standardised documents, procedures, rules, working instructions, decisions in order to retrieve information as efficiently as possible;
- the record keeping of documents specific to internal activity – Job Sheets, Audit Reports, Non-compliance Sheets;
- control of internal, administrative documents, including ensuring their circulation for approval – reports, applications;
- management of information related to partners, customers or those arising from the relationship with them – requests for proposals, internal documents, offers, addresses, other documents specific to collaboration with them;
- keeping track of contracts and amounts expected to be received/paid, with effective control over them;
- the record keeping of documents/information or discussion bases available to small working groups;
- staff records, details that can help the HR department to be closer to the staff;
- access to information (e-mail, internal documents) from different locations via the Internet with maximum security;
- electronic archiving of data.
Other examples of how to use structured information:
- Gestiunea centralizată, internă, a declaraţiilor de avere;
- CV-uri ale unor persoane pe care instituția doreşte să le aibă în vedere pentru ocuparea diferitelor posturi;
- Gestiunea proiectelor din fonduri atrase de la UE/achiziţii publice/SEAP;
- Centralizarea unitară a unor documente normative care trebuiesc consultate de diferite departamente sau grupuri de lucru:
- Juridice;
- standarde/proceduri specifice;
- legislaţia UE in domeniu;
- reglementări interne: ROI, ROF, SSM, Situaţii de Urgenţă;
- achiziţii publice;
- rapoarte ale corpului de control.
- Orders and provisions issued by the institution;
- Press releases;
- Keeping press campaigns under control: vaccinations, warnings;
- Litigation in which the organisation is involved, functionality can be added including tracking court cases and how they are resolved.
Implementation through various applications in SMEs and public institutions
A few examples of applications for public organisations, with a role in standardising and automating as many internal processes as possible and having a high level of control over the activities carried out:
See for more details on applications!
We can help you!
Contact us now and our specialists will help you streamline your internal processes to increase your business productivity!