IT consulting

The FivePlus team conducts consulting projects to identify the type of solutions that best meet an organisation's needs, to best understand the engagement in such projects..

We ensure the beneficiary’s understanding of all necessary activities and define expectations together to ensure a successful implementation.
This IT consultancy also covers the managerial level to align IT solutions with the organisation’s business objectives, leading to increased organisational performance.
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Through its approach, FivePlus distinguishes itself as a viable partner for the area of IT solutions, information management, document management, intra/inter-organizational communication but not limited to these, bringing added value to the services provided.

In order to optimise workflows internally, we are involved in process analysis and optimisation (using Lean SixSigma methodologies) and we will identify activities where digital solutions can be implemented (point applications for computerisation, automation or structured data management, robotisation using RPA technology).

Services for public authorities

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Process analysis services

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Parking audit services

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IT consultancy services for public authorities

Public authorities are considering digitisation projects to implement online e-service tools, build or extend internal systems for document management, electronic archiving.

The IT consulting services offered by FivePlus are aimed at public institutions such as: town halls, county councils, institutions subordinated to central or local public authorities, organisations in the area of education, transport, various public services.

The computerisation of public administration is a prerequisite for the economic and social development of society as a whole.

Simplification of specific public administration procedures, both in terms of reducing bureaucratic barriers and administrative burdens, and with a view to increasing transparency and improving citizens’ relations with public institutions and authorities, is a sine-qua non for reforming the entire administrative system.

Preparation of documentation for the purchase

For the drafting of the specific procurement documents, it calls upon experts who have the capacity to make the specific analysis and creates together with the contracting authority the requirements for the necessary hardware, software and communication infrastructure as well as those of the required solution.

IT technical consultancy services, depending on the investment context:

Propose concrete solutions for computerisation/digitisation.

Servicii de evaluare a ofertelor tehnice: întocmirea raportului de evaluare, întocmirea listei/ răspunsurilor la solicitările de clarificare apărute pe parcursul derulării activității

Propunerea de soluții concrete pentru informatizare / digitalizare.

IT technologies to cut red tape

The relationship between citizens and public administration is generally characterised by cumbersome procedures, a meandering flow of documents, long delays in dealing with citizens’ requests and a multitude of often redundant forms. In this context, efficient solutions are needed to provide electronic services for all categories of citizens.

The promotion and implementation of quality standards and state-of-the-art information technologies in public institutions will bring the national economy in line with international requirements. Promoting a modern, technical and knowledge-based administration will benefit society as a whole, change mentalities and shape a different kind of organisational culture.

The implementation of strategic and budgetary planning measures based on priorities resulting from public consultation brings much greater coherence to public interventions. At the same time, it leads to the promotion of a professional system of implementation and prioritisation of local policies, based on objective criteria and indicators.

In many institutions, the management of activities and documents is poorly documented, mainly paper-based and less automatically digital or online.

Some contracting authorities benefit from digital management systems which need to be integrated into the new systems implemented.

Priority for modernisation – services with citizens

Within the authorities, several services are identified as priorities for implementation, especially those related to citizens:

  • issuing identity documents;
  • purchase, construction of a building;
  • sale/purchase and registration of the vehicle;
  • tax obligations to the local and state budget;
  • non-tax obligations.

Cutting red tape and simplifying procedures, both for citizens and business and at inter- and intra-institutional level, is likely to make the administration more efficient.

Modernisation and simplification of bureaucratic procedures will increase transparency and integrity in the provision of services, contributing to the quality of services and thus to the satisfaction of citizens and to the improvement of the image of public administration.

Information and communication technology has a key role to play in underpinning the technical solution to retrieving, processing and storing data relevant to citizens’ issues.

Work process analysis and optimisation services

In order to optimise workflows internally, we analyse processes and look for solutions to optimise them (using Lean SixSigma methodologies), and identify activities where digital solutions can be implemented (point applications for automation or structured data management, robotisation using RPA technology).

Based on the experience gained, we recommend that such a project should be implemented in phases, starting with a pilot system at the level of a department or directorate.

(Estimated time: 10 – 11 days)

In the first stage we will carry out the following:

  • Identify the map of the underlying processes and the supporting processes (AS IS – macro level);
  • Identify the main areas of optimisation in each process to improve the customer experience – Lean Management and Lean Six Sigma methodologies approach;
  • High-level analysis of optimisation measures and their impact on the organisation in terms of customer perception, resources involved, duration, costs vs. benefits, interdependencies with other ongoing or planned projects, in order to prioritise processes for implementation.
  • Identify the top priority processes to be optimised and establish an action plan (including as a first step the identification of “quick wins” and the establishment of a short/medium/long term action plan).
  • Analysis of process digitisation and selection of processes that can be automated (fully or partially)
  • Conduct an analysis of the processes and operational flows related to products and services for individual and corporate customers;

(Estimare timp & buget: în funcție de complexitate)

În cadrul celei de-a doua etape vom efectua următoarele:

  • Analiza detaliată a proceselor selectate;
  • Stabilirea unui plan de acțiune cu propunerile de optimizare la nivelul fiecarui proces pentru atingerea proceselor TO BE (realizare re-design de procese, care să permită digitalizarea lor);
  • Suport și implicare activă în implementarea planului de optimizare pentru top procese identificate ca fiind prioritare;
  • Asistență în Project management, Change management și în monitorizarea implementării;
  • Evaluarea rezultatelor proiectelor de optimizare implementate.ție implementată sau alege de comun acord

Consultancy services for parking audits, development of parking regulations and parking regulation organisation plan

The overall objective is to carry out activities to re-organise services dedicated to digitising, managing and optimising the use of residential and public car parks:

  • Audit within the institution
  • Drawing up a regulation for residential and public car parks
  • Organisational plan with concrete actions, deadlines and persons responsible for implementing the regulation.
› Collecting parking needs
› Check how parking has been managed in recent years (residential and public parking)
› Checking the Parking Strategy and current valid documents, together with ongoing actions
› Elaboration of updated proposals for the Parking Strategy of the municipality
› Verification of human resources involved in all aspects of parking
› Propose a team of audited staff to work on the Parking Strategy implementation programme
› On the basis of the Parking Strategy and the audit, a proposal for a Regulation on the organisation and operation of public car parks (ROF) will be drafted.

› Ensure the proper functioning of the existing parking system and a framework for parking spaces planned to be added

› Develop a short, medium and long term action plan to follow up the Audit and Parking Strategy and contain concrete actions with deadlines and responsible parties
› Include in the plan the resources, organisation and recommendations of digital tools needed, with a related financial projection
› Technical assistance in the implementation of software solutions for public parking management
› Recommendations for funding options for measures to be implemented
› Measures for the complete (paperless) digitisation of parking services, including parking meters, video cameras, parking sensors, mobile applications, electronic payments, etc.

Services will be updated with the Beneficiary’s requirements according to the updated urban development vision and urban mobility (bike lanes, traffic management, lighting networks or other utilities, etc.).

Main parking needs in cities:

  • Insufficient parking spaces in residential, collective housing and central areas
  • Lack of a structure within municipalities to manage parking issues
  • Street parking is chaotic and uninventoried
    Lack of parking spaces for trailers and semi-trailers, motorcycles/motorbikes, tractors or buses/coaches
  • The need for public parking spaces in certain congested areas (public institutions, markets, hospitals, bus stations, etc.).
  • The urban planning/aesthetic issue.
    Private car parks are limited and extremely little known
  • Lack of a digital map of the Municipality, lack of definition of geographically defined districts

Basic principles for a coherent parking policy:

  • Use of parking management revenues for the development, construction and maintenance of parking spaces and other urban mobility solutions
  • Securing financial resources for the construction and management of car parks
  • Moving cars from the street to the back of blocks
  • Reducing the number of cars in the long term through an appropriate parking charging policy
  • Integrated parking management by complete zones/areas for all types of vehicles (cars, bicycles, vans, buses, motorcycles)
  • Expanding the use of “green parking” to a correct use
  • Using technology to digitise all parking spaces to make them more efficient and control their use, with various software and hardware solutions (different types of parking sensors, blockers, etc.), as well as dynamic pricing
  • Enhancing public space, especially between blocks of flats, through urban regeneration and the creation of parking spaces for cars and bicycles together with children’s playgrounds, green spaces and selective waste collection points
  • Reconfiguration of old spaces (garages, stalls, awnings, disused heating points) into ground or multi-storey car parks in combination with green spaces, bicycle parks, children’s playgrounds or sports fields
  • Building an ecosystem for transport vehicles (over 3.5 tonnes)
  • Building an alternative transport system with associated parking (for bicycles, electric cars, shared vehicles/bikes/trotcars, etc.) and extended urban mobility solutions

In a partnership with VEGACOMP CONSULTING, the FivePlus team has started a project to ensure a collection of public and private parking spaces, their display to citizens and entrepreneurs interested in using the managed data.

Do you want to work together?

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