Microsoft partner
Microsoft Corporation is the undisputed world leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses achieve their goals.
Through the partnership relationship developed with Microsoft, FivePlus is focused on the area of licensing and implementation of the Microsoft 365 solution.
FivePlus is a Microsoft Registered Member.
Office 365 refers to subscription plans that include access to Office applications plus other web-enabled productivity services (cloud services).
They also include desktop versions of the latest Office apps, which users can install on multiple computers and devices. Installed applications include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access (Publisher and Access are only available on the PC). Always have the latest version of the applications.
Office 365 online versions are a great option for some business needs and are designed to work with the latest version of Office, Office 2013 and Office 2011 for Mac.
All Office 365 plans are paid on a subscription basis, monthly or annually.
Also, a series of frequently asked questions about the Office 365 solution can be found at the link:
Companies face many difficulties. Office 365 is a solution to consider
Overwhelmingly, today’s employees spend at least part of their day away from the office. When they are away from the office, they still need access to the things that matter and would like to access them from their mobile devices, whether smartphones or tablets.
Limited access to documents, email, calendars and people can affect their productivity and ability to service their customers. It would also be nice for mobile employees to have access without requiring a VPN.
Companies need a way to cope with stiff competition while finding new projects and customers. In a competitive market, companies need their employees to have information and answers at their fingertips.
Firms need to find better/faster ways to show their clients the status of projects.
As the company grows, employees work from different offices, customer sites, home or on the road.
If they don’t use the same set of tools, remote employees will have trouble connecting and collaborating with others, causing inefficiencies and productivity losses.
Even if your employees are using the same tools, if the tools themselves are not designed to work natively with each other, i.e. if you are using disparate email, collaboration, instant messaging (IM) and conferencing solutions, you are not making it easy for your employees, but instead frustrating your end users and overburdening your IT staff with integration.
Lack of enterprise-grade messaging and collaboration capabilities affects team members’ ability to collaborate safely on documents and during meetings.
You need to easily and securely share documents – sometimes large files – with team members and those outside the organization.
Many companies have a demanding IT business and feel tied to their servers, leaving their IT staff with no time for strategic projects.
Then there are security and reliability concerns. Companies fear spam attacks, viruses and malicious software – especially if their customers suffer.
Another IT nightmare are problems with integration, functionality and ease of use.
Even if you’ve implemented a new solution, it often requires training time that IT staff and end users don’t have.
Amid uncertainty in the global economy, more and more companies are under pressure to do more with shrinking IT budgets and staff.
Even when you want to upgrade, buying a new server is a significant capital expense. Add to that the ongoing expense of maintenance and troubleshooting.
Licensing costs are hard to track and there is often confusion about transferring licences.
Given all these difficulties, you are actually looking for technological solutions that meet your company’s requirements.
Office 365 for medium-sized businesses – an offer specifically designed for businesses with fewer than 250 users.
- Provides enterprise-level productivity tools at an affordable price.
- As a cloud-based service, you’ll always have access to the latest technology.
- All services offer the same 99.9% uptime guaranteed by a financially backed service level agreement.
- It’s designed to help you work seamlessly online or offline.
Profitaţi la maximum de investiţia dvs.
Office 365 defineşte în sensul cel mai larg ceea ce înseamnă productivitatea şi colaborarea pentru firme.
Beneficiaţi de instrumente de firmă puternice la un preţ convenabil, fără compromisuri.
Găsiţi într-un singur loc tot ce vă trebuie pentru a fi productivi la birou, scăpând de costurile şi complicaţiile integrării unor soluţii punctuale.
Microsoft creează instrumente profesionale pentru firme.
Dat fiind că Office 365 este un serviciu bazat pe cloud disponibil prin abonament, veţi avea întotdeauna cea mai recentă versiune a tehnologiei.
Office este de mulţi ani limbajul comun în afaceri – acum vă puteţi abona la Office şi veţi putea utiliza întotdeauna cea mai recentă versiune.
Nu trebuie să faceţi upgrade pentru servere ca să puteţi utiliza Office 365.
Puteţi reduce costurile legate de întreţinerea serverelor, dacă nu mai utilizaţi propriul dvs. server Exchange. Puteţi gestiona serviciile Office 365 dintr-o consolă de administrare bazată pe web.
Office 365 înseamnă şi costuri reduse cu instruirea, deoarece se bazează pe servicii cu care utilizatorii dvs. sunt deja familiarizaţi.
Licenţiere simplificată pe utilizator şi nu pe dispozitiv: Mai puţin timp petrecut cu urmărirea licenţelor, mai multe opţiuni pentru utilizatori.
Pentru fiecare utilizator de Office 365, puteţi instala Office pe până la 5 PC-uri sau sisteme Mac, plus 5 dispozitive mobile, printre care se numără smartphone-uri şi tablete.
Aveţi costuri lunare previzibile, uşor de bugetat.
Dacă aveţi angajaţi sezonieri, puteţi să adăugaţi sau să ştergeţi uşor utilizatori, în funcţie de necesităţi.