MaySoft partner
MaySoft is a leading manufacturer of antivirus/antispam software products.
Within the framework of a partnership for the distribution of SpamSentinel antivirus/antispam solutions on the Romanian market, we made an important contribution to the protection of the IBM Lotus Domino systems deployed.
A powerful solution, SpamSentinel is marketed for the protection of both standalone platform-based systems and IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange.
Customers extremely satisfied with the protection offered, have given us further proof that it is a good choice of such a partner.
SpamSentinel blocks all known spam and viruses before they reach your mailbox and all in one product, without purchasing two separate products.
Main products:
- SpamSentinel for Domino – stopping spam and viruses for Domino servers
- SpamSentinel for Exchange – anti-spam/anti-virus solution works with Exchange server to stop spam and viruses
- SpamSentinel Hosted MX – platform independent solution, can filter for any messaging system. Simply by redirecting MX records, over 99.6% of spam and viruses will be filtered out.
MX Failover: Using the on-premises solution, you can use the MX failover service to have a backup in case of telecom or hardware problems.
It is a backup on MaySoft servers.
SpamSentinel updates itself automatically.
SpamSentinel has a proven protection rate of 99.6%.
For further information contact FivePlus specialists.
FivePlus Solutions is MaySoft’s partner in Romania for the SpamSentinel product, we have the necessary skills to carry out these projects and successful implementations.